Sophie and Dom... Dot Com.

So hi everyone this is Sophie&

Now for an explanation. So I have 2 frands called Sophie and Dominic and I had Dom in my bio but not Sophie (on Instagram btw hmu @baassiic)

I changed my bio to my website bc I can and so it was blah blah and soph was pissed that she wasn't in my bio so she was like 'CANT IT BE SOPHIE DOM.COM so like yeah and now I ship them so much like yasss ❤️

Btw hiiii I'm Ilona and my Instagram is fab so as I said hmu @baassiic bc yeah

Also if u didn't gather the girl in the pic with the candy floss shit as Sophie hohohohohohohohiihihihih I have no pics of Dom bc he doesn't post selfies on Instagram and I don't take mugs of him at school so rip byeee

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