Journey Log 7 dukes-willyd-ranger-flexibility

After reading Kyle Stedman's "Annoying Ways People Use Sources", I decided to reevaluate my research paper first draft. I wanted to see which annoying mistakes I made so that I could correct them for the final draft. I researched the best ways to incorporate quotations into a work. The first source that I found was from Columbia College which consisted of a list of the same examples and solutions that are seen in Stedman's article bringing me to the conclusion that whenever in doubt, use more information surrounding the quote.

Another conclusion the two articles brought me to was that using quotes is not a time for flexibility. If it is necessary to be flexible when trying to put an additional work or quote in then it may be a sign that it is forced and should not be added or at least should be paraphrased instead.

Since the topic is the use of quotes it lead me to google different types of quotations by people from all different walks of life as in addition to the ways to use them. While typing this I was getting my mind ready for spring break by listening to Jimmy Buffett and decided that a line of his would go perfectly here. In his mind "If we weren't all crazy, we'd just go insane" ("Jimmy Buffett"). For being used as a quotation to be light-hearted and fun, it has a lot of meaning behind it and can be interpreted in many ways. I will leave these interpretations up to the reader however so as not to be pushing my ideas or beliefs on the reader. Instead, you now have a blank canvas. Enjoy.

“Jimmy Buffett.” Jimmy Buffett - Changes In Latitudes, Changes In Attitudes Lyrics | MetroLyrics, Metrolyrics, Accessed 13 Mar. 2017.

“Suggested Ways to Introduce Quotations: Columbia College.” Suggested Ways to Introduce Quotations: Columbia College, Accessed 13 Mar. 2017.

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