Rebellious Magazine Media Kit Undeniably Chicago. Unflinchingly Feminist.

Rebellious Magazine for Women is a Chicago-based intersectional feminist digital media site that’s smart, funny, inspiring, empowering, smart-ass and yes, Rebellious!
Rebellious Magazine delivers a unique feminist perspective on Chicago news, events, politics, and culture through original articles, essays, and interviews. We support women-owned and women-operated businesses and organizations through editorial coverage and business partnerships.
Rebellious Magazine was founded by Chicago’s own award-winning journalist and lifelong Rebelle Karen Hawkins.
Increase Your Reach: Your Business + Our Audience
Rebellious Magazine provides unparalleled access to our readership of Chicago-area women. Engage with thousands across all devices and channels, such as:
Average of 15,000 page views per month (APRIL, 2017)
1,391 followers, 110,000 monthly tweet impressions (April, 2017)
Instagram: 483 followers (APRIL, 2017)
Facebook: 1,349 followers (APRIL, 2017)
Email Newsletters: 530+ subscribers (APRIL, 2017)
The Power of Marketing to Women
Women drive 75-85% of all consumer purchasing, through a combination of their buying power and influence.

Multiple sources, including Boston Consulting Group, Women Want More by Michael J. Silverstein and Kate Sayre, (Harper Collins 2009), The Economist: Guide to Womenomics and Why She Buys by Bridget Brennan (Crown Business 2011)

Roughly 75% of women identified themselves as the primary shoppers for their households.

“Buying Power.” Catalyst (2013).

Women influence 91% of all home purchases.
Women make 70% of all travel decisions.

Brennan, Bridget. Why She Buys. Crown Business, 2011. Print.

In the U.S. market, women make up just under half of the Internet population but generate 58% of e-commerce dollars.

Abraham, Linda Boland, Marie Pauline Morn, and Andrea Vollman. “Women on the Web: How Women are Shaping the Internet.” ComScore (2010).

Of the 2.7 million people living in the city of Chicago, nearly 810,000 are women between the ages of 25 and 69. There are nearly 700,000 females age 16 and older in the workforce in Chicago.

U.S. Census Bureau.

Advertising Rates for
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Social Media Blast: Includes FB, Twitter, Instagram (RebelliousMag sees approx. 100,000 total impressions/month across channels) $50
Dedicated Newsletter Campaigns $250
Custom Editorial Content to Showcase Your Brand from Rebellious Marketing Solutions
Portfolio: Catalyst Ranch, Chicago's most creative meeting and event space
Featured on Rebellious Magazine and Catalyst Ranch website
Join the Rebellion!

Jessie Mansbacher Kibbe, Director of Business Development

(919) 260-8757 /

Created By
Karen Hawkins


Created with images by avrene - "Red"

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