Art Profile Exam Grace potter

My name is Grace Potter, this is my first year in an art class other than middle school. When I am older I want to be an interior designer. This class has helped me learn all of the values of art. This class has improved my art ability by a lot and it only makes it better.

Negative/Positive Drawing
Before hand drawing
After hand drawing

I made the creases in the hand to make it look more realistic


I erased the lighter spots and added darker spots to show more value

Stippling Piece

I added more dots where the darker is to show more value

Still life drawing

I darkened and lightened the areas on the picture to make it stand out more

Scratchboard drawing

I scratched away with little to higher pressure to make the flower lighter and darker

2-Point Perspective Drawing
Before self portrait
After self portrait

To make the picture look more realistic I added value to where my skin was lighter and darker

Ruscha ribbon drawing

To show the shadow affect I drakened the outside of the letters

This class has challenged me more with how to do value with art and how to make art look more realistic, it has improved my art ability and it taught me how to show pattern, balance, rhythm, contrast, unity, and emphasis of art.

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