Elements Of Art by nancy jimenez


There it is. Always there. It forms patterns forms designs. Sometimes in clutters other times in straight lines.


With color we express emotion. It is the most extensive way, it is the only way.


Life is like value. Sometimes it has light points and other times it has dark points. Together is what gives our life value.


It appears in different sizes. It appears in different forms. We use it everyday, we use it everywhere.


Every food is good. It is good food. The different texture is what makes us keep eating it. We won't stop until we finish it.


Space surrounds us from left to right, up to down. We ask for space not knowing that the space between the piece is that space.


When you can see the whole of a piece's element it is at its best form. Form is what makes us norm, its what keeps us together as one. or as none.

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