Good Life Tour of the Harn By Jacob Wall

Medium of the Art

Branched Scholar's Rock. 19th-20th Century. Lingbi stone. Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, FL. By Jacob Wall. "Me With a Scholar's Rock." 2017. JPEG.

This work was particularly striking because of the natural three dimensional depth of the stone. The artist was obviously forced to work around the rock's natural form in order to create such a beautiful and abstract sculpture. Being able to view the sculpture from all angles lent a very different perspective than just seeing it in a photo. For whatever reason, the way the natural form of the rock is used with to create a work of art is very inspiring to me.

Jacquette, Yvonne. Midtown Composite. 1997. Woodcut. Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, FL. By Jacob Wall. "Me With Midtown Composite." 2017. JPEG.

Woodcuts are my very favorite medium of art. The way the wood is engraved gives the final print a gorgeous natural texture and level of detail that's difficult to get with anything else. Midtown Composite is a beautiful piece of art that reminds of my few trips to New York and my wish to go back.

Design of the Museum

Wall, Jacob. "Picture One of the Harn Contemporary Collection Wing." 2017. JPEG.
Wall, Jacob. "Picture Two of the Harn Contemporary Collection Wing." 2017. JPEG.

The contemporary wing is the first true wing of the museum that is encountered on a visit. It's well lit and very open, arranged in a horseshoe shape with a large space in the middle for sculptures, and with framed works lining all the outer and inner walls. The openness of the space really encouraged me to take my time while engaging and thinking about the pieces of art. I sometimes feel that art museums can be claustrophobic, with curators trying to jam the entire collection into one small space. The Harn's contemporary wing was just the right balance between a large empty swath of space and tightly packed walls with an overwhelming amount of information.

Art and Core Values

Rivera, Diego. Road Worker. 1945. Charcoal. Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, FL. By Jacob Wall. 2017. JPEG.

Although this piece is extraordinarily simple and does not contain a huge amount of detail, it reminded me of the need for "work life balance." The posture of the worker and the obviously arduous labor reminded me of my tendency to overwork myself and forget that I need to take time out of my schedule to care for my personal needs. I also enjoy this piece as a testament to the many different meanings art can hold and the timeless nature of simple art. This piece is thought to have been drawn as a political statement about the climate of Mexican politics in the mid-twentieth century. Obviously that is not a frame of reference I possess, but I am still able to draw valuable and significant meaning from Rivera's work.

Art and the Good Life

Tomomi, Tanaka. Black Flame. 2015. Stoneware. Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, FL. By Jacob Wall. 2017. JPEG.

To me, This work very much portrays the theme of embodying the good life. The curves of the stone and the finely carved details around the base not only suggest a human figure literally embodying another form, but also make me think of the countless hours spent by Tomomi to perfect this sculpture. The beauty found in the abstract shape of the art reminds me to find and embody my values at every stage of my life, and as I continue to grow and work through higher education.

Created By
Jacob Wall

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