Deep Culture Investigation I’m Catalina Guerrero Aguayo. I’m 21 years old and I’m Chilean.

I’m from a hispanic family and two of my great grandparents were German.
I’ve always lived in urban areas. I’ve lived in Viña del Mar, Chillán (my home town, a small city near the mountain) and now I live in Santiago (the capital and biggest city of my country).
I really like big cities, but I visit my family in Chillán a lot.
The only people from my family I know were not born in Chile are two of my great grandparents.

We belong to the working middle class of our country. Most of my family are dedicated to the public health area. We have a good lifestyle and I’ve never seen myself having necessities because our incomes.

I’m 4th generation in assist to college. Both of my parents have a degree, my grandfather is a doctor, and one of my great grandmother was a teacher.

I listened a lot of Chiloe’s leyends, and also some stories from my home town. Like “Las piedras comadres” Yet, my family doesn’t believe that much in popular stories.
We love to celebrate all together, specially our indepence day. We eat together and listen Chilean folkloric music. We also do a lot of traditional rituals for new year, like use jewelry and yellow underwear. We spend our birthday together and eat "once" with a cake with candles. We also celebrate mother's day as a big event.
We celebrate the independence's heroes, specially Manuel Rodriguez. Also Arturo Prat. Personally, I like one of our formest presidents, Manuel Balmaceda. The opinions about politic are divided in our family, so politicians are not considered heroes or antiheroes.
In my family you would always hear: “Study, study, and if you still have time, study a little more” My grandfather ALWAYS. We have a lot of sayings related to God’s will. My favorite one is “No hay mal que por bien no venga” to enhance each other to face adversity and keep positive.
We told a lot of stories about ourselves. The oldest ones are about how my great grandparents meet each other, how they raised my grandmother and my grandmother’s siblings. They were very strict and from low incomes, so it was hard for them for certain periods of time. My great grandfather worked in a mine.

Crying is bad seen in my family both for boys and girls. I used to cry a lot when I was a child and everybody laugh about that. We are very likely to get angry but not to stay in that way.

In my community, we celebrate the same holidays and play the same games with my neighbours. We usually share opinions about the TV programs during dinner. We are very nice when we meet somebody for the first time, always offer food when someone comes to visit us, and we have a lot of physical interaction like hugs, kisses, and kindly touch each other. I’m comfort with all of these. We are very close to our friends.
I was taught to treat authorities with respect, but we have a common view of policemen as the “bad boys” of the pictures.

I feel a lot of respect for elder people because I was raised to do so. I feel really shocked when I see people that do not respect old people.

Teachers on the other hand, are expected to win your respect by being good teachers. Classes are very difficult in Chile if you do not know how to manage students' behavior.

We called adults using “usted” Sr or Sra. and always speak to them formally. Inside my family we just use our names, but with other people we are more formal.

We are very supportive with each other, nothing have ever make me feel ashamed in my family. We are open to diversity, different religions, and different opinions.

Good grades were and are well recompensed in my family. We are also recompensed if we help with the house chores.

I was not supposed to talk back to my mother, but I always did. (and I still do it).

In my family is a common fear to get old. We are a little scared of how time changes you.

Intelligence is very important in my family. We are all expected to assist college and succeed. We believe that hard work and study is the best way to improve yourself and get smarter. We are very willing to cooperate with each other in homeworks or studies. We get really proud when someone finish a degree or succeed at something.

With time I realized that this is not common for all families, some families consider earnings more important than effort, or do not care about studies.

In my country, intelligence is seen as a gift only a few posses, and people usually underestimate the intellectual potential of low class students.

All of my students have great potencial and I keep high expectations for all of them.

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