The six stages of digestion

The digestion starts in the mouth, and it even starts before you put the food into your mouth. This is because when your body start smelling food it creates a clear liquid called salvia. When you taste the food the salvia levels increases, and when you start chewing the food into sizes that your body can digest, more salvia and juices are produced, and they break down the food to a size your body can absorb the important nutrition and content of the food.

The esophagus receives the food from the mouth, by the tongue pushing the food into the esophagus. The swallowing part of the digestion of food happens in the esophagus, and the esophagus is a msuclar tube that brings the food from the mouth down to the stomach. Just before the food enters the stomach there is a muscle ring. This ring is called esophageal sphincter, and it opens and closes as the food passes.

The stomach does not only hold the food with it's muscular walls, but it also secretes powerful enzymes and acids. These break down the food before it goes to the small intestine.

Just as the stomach, the small intestine, breaks down the food, it releases bile by the liver and enzymes from the pancreas. This breaks down the food. The small intestine is the section that absorbs the most food in the digestion process. This process is dependent on a network of muscles, nerves and hormones. As the nutrients are absorbed by the bloodstream in the walls of the small intestine, the wast get sent to the large intestine.

The large intestine is a five to seven foot muscular tube that is connected with the small intestine. It contains the left, right, transverse and the sigmoid colon. The large intestine is an organ that is specialised on processing the waste of the food. The waste is then processed through the colon, and when all the left over water is absorbed, the stool goes from a liquid to a solid form. The stool is then stored in the sigmoid, and stays there until a "mass movement", which happens twice a day. It normally takes 36 for the stool to travel through the colon.

The rectum is eight- inches and looks like a chamber, and it connects the colons to the anal. When gas or stool comes into the rectum, the rectum sends a signal to the brain, and the brain decides if the stool should be kept there or not. If the brain chooses to get ride of the stool, the sphincters relax and the rectum connects with the anal, and the stool comes out.

Created By
Philip Jenkins

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