
More Essential Watercolor Skills David Rankin Watercolor Training Workshops

Watercolor's Essential Skills

Euclid Art Association - Cleveland, Ohio USA / June 1 • 2 • 3

June 1 - 2 - 3 David Rankin is returning to the Euclid Art Association for yet another of his wonderful watercolor training workshops. Actually he has an earlier one at the end of April... "Painting Trees in Watercolor"... but that workshop is already full... with a wait list. And this June workshop... "More Essential Skills" is already almost full... with only a couple spots left. So if you are thinking you'd like to make this one you'll need to register very soon.


Even relatively simple looking watercolors can have multiple unique skills that were used in precise brushwork combinations to create the various visual effects.

However... if you do not know how to execute the various different brushstrokes in the correct way... you simply won't be able to create the various visual watercolor effects. And your paintings won't look right.

Sometimes it's just that you are holding the brush at a slightly wrong angle. Sometimes you are merely applying too much pressure or too little... using too much water or too little... dragging the brush too fast or too slow. Because of the spontaneous and near instant way our brush strokes create unique visual effects... these subtle refinements can make or break a painting.


Work-Around Washes


In this June Workshop, one of the skill sets we will be working is a special set of watercolor procedures associated with a wonderful watercolor effect that I call a Work-Around Wash.

I use this unique watercolor skill set in numerous ways. It allows me to create a wonderful variety of visual effects as shown here with this swan. I'm going to show you how to create subjects like this using a careful sequence of procedures... and without resorting to the use of Frisket or opaque Gouache


The other very essential skill in transparent watercolor on rough paper... is to learn, refine & master the illusion of spatial depth by learning how to create & mix both soft & sharp edges.

These are Combination Skills... working both wet & dry

When worked together they produce magical illusions of depth

Created By
David Rankin


© David Rankin 2018

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