"Who was Jackie Robinson?" by Gail Herman November/December 2016 AR Biography Activity

"But there was no denying it Jackie Robinson changed sports history he was not only a baseball hero he was a Civil Rights hero, too." (p.4)

Based upon the Context Clues, the word "Civil" means a citizen as an individual.

"On January 31. 1919 Jack Roosevelt Robinson was born in the town of Cairo, Georgia, for a black family, living in the Deep South was tough and Jackie's Grandparents were slaves." (p.6)

Based upon the context clues, the word "slaves" means A person who is the property of someone else.

"for a black family family living in the Deep South was tough for Jackie's Grandparents because his parents farmed land as sharecroppers." (p.6)

Based upon the context clues, the word "sharecroppers" means an tenant farmer who pays as rent.

"After hearing Branch Rickey said "that he made the team and Jackie's reaction was thrilled, scared, and excited all at the same time." (p.50)

Based upon the context clues, the word "thrilled" means to cause a prickling or a tingling sensation.

"What would jackie do if a player dug his cleats into Jackie's leg on base and Branch Ricky was very direct about this happening.

Based upon the context clues, the word "Direct" means to regulate the course of control.

"When they finally reached Pensacola,Jackie and Rachel once again bumped from flights."(p.54)

Based upon the context clues, the word "Pensacola" means a seaport in NW Florida, on Pensacola Bay.

"Bands played music filled the streets and people flooded the stadium."

Based upon the context clues, the word "Flooded" means any great cut pouring or a big stream.

"Fans yelled at Pee Wee to stop playing with jackie but he was a southerner after all"(p.60)

Based upon the Context Clues, the word "Southerner" means a native or inhabitat any of the south.

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Created with images by FotoshopTofs - "jack roosevelt robinson says jackie robinson baseball" • MDGovpics - "Civil Marriage Reception" • KlausHausmann - "hands handcuffs tied up" • Kheel Center, Cornell University Library - "Photo verso reads "Union meeting - reading is not easy." An unidentified woman and Sylvia Lawrence read the "Sharecroppers' Voice" during an outdoor STFU meeting" • ShashiBellamkonda - "thrilled" • vasile23 - "Useful compass" • tejvanphotos - "Oxford Flood"

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