7-Day Yoga Retreat

When does this group begin?

We will start on February 6th and run through February 12th

What does this group cost?

Nothing!! You heard me right. It's a FREE group.

Why do yoga?

I'll be the first to admit that I need to work my body. I need to feel like I'm doing something. I need to feel the sweat. Well guess what? You will get all of that out of yoga...and more. It wasn't until I began incorporating it weekly that I realized its benefits. Yoga is for the body and the mind. Best part about it? It strengthens both. Plus it is GREAT for stretching.

Click the link below to read about the benefits of yoga

What does the group include?
  • 30 day FREE access to Beachbody OnDemand
  • Yoga workouts
  • Clean eating tips
  • Meal ideas
  • Support from myself and 4 other coaches as well as the rest of the group
Interested? I'd love to hear from you. Click below to join.

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