PredICTioneering By Tia Robertson

Experimentation & Research

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Stop Motion Video

Task 4

Design Thinking


  1. Making Videos with iMovie
  2. Animals
  3. Structures
  4. Photography
  5. Music
  6. Food
  7. Sleep


  1. Drawing
  2. Photography
  3. Video
  4. Lazer Cutter
  5. Music


  1. Camera/Canon
  2. Laptop
  3. Pencil
  4. iMovie
  5. iTunes
  6. Phone/Camera


  1. Drawing
  2. Film Making
  3. Photography
  4. Friends
  5. Shopping
  6. Animals


  • Interests: Photography
  • Medium/Material: Video
  • Tools: Camera/iPhone
  • Passion: Film Making

Proposal Plan/Ideas

I intend to make a video about what is around us. It would be videos of nature and driving in the car. When I finish my video, I would like to try programming something.

Finished Video


Created with images by libertygrace0 - "Dr. Who/Dalek Film Strip"

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