Henri Matisse (1869-1954)

Henri Matisse Life ( 1869 1954 )
Composition losanges et triangles, 1952 Composition after glued paper. Poster for poster exhibitions at GalerieKléber1952Mourlot printing Color lithograph. Proof before lettering, cropped along subject and laid down on cardboard. Height: 54 cm (21-1/4 in.) - Width: 49,5 cm (19-1/2 in.). Slightly yellowed with stains. Few surface abrasions.


my artwork is described as a portion of Matisse's artwork his cutout phase.his cutout phase was something to express the joy of painting with scissors. Otherwise my artwork is described as something to remember. Its actually pretty simple how i created my art project. I used colored paper to actually make the whole thing. I obviously had to use scissors that is the whole point of cut outs. The big idea behind my artwork is different types of shapes. the circle representing specialty and unique-ism. The square representing perfectness and the rectangle representing individualism. my main goals were to make a complete project. That goal was the hardest to complete but it was the easiest to finish. my side by side goals were to get the materials for the project do the project and to finish the project. my best thoughts about my artwork were that i finished and that i feel great. That is when my life got a lot easier.
Created By
John Marengo

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