Discrimination and Segregation, An Action Still Living on Today By: Bryhan Helal

In 2014, Poet Kimberly Shaw once wrote, "Dad sold the hogs, and cut the hay. The farm was lost, we drove away. The next two years were grim and lean. Dad broke his back, to feed us beans. When winter came our food ran out. We found old Dad hung by a rope".

Discrimination and segregation continues to be an issue throughout the United States due to the Ku Klux Klan, the continuous attacks on religion groups such as Muslims, and the media’s portrayal of minorities.

The Ku Klux Klan

  • Segregate and discriminate other people for not agreeing with their terms or beliefs.
  • Added foreigners, Jews, Catholics, and organized labor to their lists of enemies.
  • Organizations that exist today believe in inequality and separate interests of races.
  • "Klan groups still use methods of hatred and violence, and some are tied closely to the U.S. Nazi movement"

Attacks on Muslims

  • NYC a Muslim women's religious garments were set on fire.
  • Brooklyn a woman beat two Muslim women, tried to remove their hijabs, and steal their kids.
  • Queens, NY a man shot an Imam and his helper after an afternoon prayer.
Vandalized Islamic Center

Media's Portrayal on Muslims

  • Words used to describe Muslim women are segregated, beaten, insults, veil, freedom, religion, and hatred.
  • Media and news spread bias and rumors.
  • Politicians have larger impacts on these topics.
How the Media Influences Decisions
Community Group on Facebook

Kimberly Shaw had ended her poem with, “'Twas many years before I left/ My Mom had died a tragic death. Now all alone, I lived and slept. I begged for food, and sometimes wept. A life of days and endless woe/ Now time is dead, and death too slow. As you walk by those 'homeless freaks'/ Remember me, with dimpled cheeks."

Discrimination and segregation continues to be an issue throughout the United States due to the history of the past and the current issues that are still progressing within the media.

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