Journey Log 2 Alex Clark - Clark_13 - ENGL 1030 41 - Ranger

Main Habit Used: Engagement

During last week in class, I learned many things. I became more engaged by paying attention to what we were discussing. For instance, when discussing the villain and monsters subject, I brought the idea of Marvel's Hydra to the table. Hydra is an organization that is dedicated to global domination. This group and this idea represents a villain that is not your typical interpretation. The more common ones are The Joker or Paralax from the Green Lantern universe. I chose Hydra because they are such a large part of the Marvel Universe and just when you think they are gone, they return and come out swinging.

A video we watched really captivated me. It was a gamer reading his essay on how gaming taught him many life lessons. Gaming has always been a part of me, all the way from Galaga, RuneScape, to StarCraft II. This YouTuber showed how on RuneScape, he learned economics by 'merching' coal. He resold items for a profit. This took social skills, decent knowledge about math, and being engaged with the public on the game. Gaming allowed me to engage in a different universe that taught me much of what I know today.


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