Sahara Fletcher A Woman on a mission

I start my story as a small girl from the south-side of Atlanta. Watching the city hustle and lights I was determined to make my life as exciting and opulent as the magnificent skyscrapers that engulf the city. As high school ended, my journey through life began.

At the age of 18, I made the 10 hour trip up I-75 to embark on a new chapter in my life. For the first time my big city expectations manifested into the biggest college campus and student population in the country.

I had a chance to run track at the same school that not only discovered but molded one of the most athletic men in history; Jesse Owens. Finally I had the chance to share the same opportunity as one of the greatest to do the sport, maybe this was my chance to get my name in lights!

But as the road twists and turns, so did my journey upon it. Just as I thought my dreams had come true, there was a sharp left turn into a blind spot.

The blind spot in fact seemed to be my future shimmering as i crested the hills coming over the Smokey Mountains. My road led me on a path that I did not expect, a path that I blinded myself from. This path brought me to East Tennessee State University where the splendid life I hoped for as a child manifested right before my eyes.

I became a Buccaneer! My dream of running track was not the only aspiration that illuminated my future. I found a great group of women and life-long sisterhood when I joined Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated. I also found passion in my career path; I knew I wanted to become a lawyer!

The twists and turns in my road no longer scared me, because I now am excited about what another turn can bring.


Created with images by JayMantri - "road street highway" • tpsdave - "atlanta georgia city" • Michele Dorsey Walfred - "The Ohio State University Stadium" • WikiImages - "sprinter athletes jesse owens" • noahg. - "One Less Traveled" • jaycousa - "Smokey Mountains" • Ardam Rabsahh - "Road to Raichur"

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