Dog case: Mask of Zorro. Leash & Collar Shy dog.

Received an interesting case today. Zorro is collar and leash shy, but gradually made some progress in making him comfortable and allowing me to put the collar on.

This process is called desensitising and can be used with any object or place the dog is scared of.

Remember to be very calm and give time to the dog to accept the challenge and get over his fear. Do not make a fuss about it and force the dog into it.

For the viewers, I made few mistakes in the 1st half of the video. I tried to rush and put my hand on top of the head of the dog when he was nervous, this can call for dog biting me.

Therefore, do not try this with any other dog apart from your own and if you see any sign of aggression, please stop and take professional help or try again when the dog is comfortable.

As you can see in the later half of the video, he is comfortable when i used the right technique. We must encourage the dog rather than forcing him to like something he doesn't and result will be awesome.

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