Animation, How It Works The Magic Of Animation


To do animation (A Mini Cartoon Of Sorts And Is Usually Funny.), you’ll need many supplies, first of all, you’re going to need something to draw/paint on (electronics not paper!) You also might need a mouse if you are doing so on a computer or laptop. lastly, you must have a newly updated device(Usually Handheld Electronic). this is a idea of some supplies you need or may use.


To start animating you, must at least have a certain website you would like to start posting your animation on such as Youtube, DeviantArt (An Online Art Gallery), Facebook (13+) Or Twitter (13+) etc. There's many more websites too many to be honest.


You also can and should get a simple computer camera such as BandiCam Or Just Your Normal Camera That Come With Your Computer Or Tablet (Do Not Recommend.)

Putting It All Together

Putting it all together making the thing we call animation. Adding The Websites, Camera, Equipment (the necessary items for a particular purpose) together is not as easy as you’d think you would have at least 50 different pages open mostly being parts of the animation one or two being a website and a camera as well. Then, you must save it all into a file and hope it uploads and all your files don’t go Kaput (broken and useless or no longer working or effective).

Working Human Animation

The Final Product

The final product the one you upload rushing to the internet. The final product will be good or bad depending on how well you did. If you did good well just wait for people to start watching, on the other hand, if you think you didn't do so well all I can say its keep practicing and you’ll get better trust me.


Personally I Love Animating, Maybe You Will Too Well! I Guess We'll See Soon.

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