Notice &Note Quoted Words

“Nonfiction lets us learn more; fiction lets us be more.”

― Kylene Beers, Notice & Note: Strategies for Close Reading


Quoted words that present personal point views of someone who has lived through something, allows students to empathize and gain new perspectives about events and ideas (Beers & Probst (2016).

Carolyn Mckinistry, survivor of 16th street bombing
And there was another question that haunted her: “Why were my friends taken and not me? Had I lingered just a minute or so more in the restroom that morning . . . .”

After many years, Carolyn came to the conviction that she had been spared by God in order to bear witness and to become a living proof of Dr. King’s thesis: that out of deep suffering and pain, hope is born and resurrection happens.

Personal Perspective and Voice of Authority are closely related.

Voice of Authority

When quotes from experts are included, it feels like the text has validity .

Others' Words

Others' words take the shape of citations, in order to show the relevance of a study; mostly seen in research papers.

Some of the most prominent anxieties expressed by educators that are associated with mobile devices in the classroom are: the need for ongoing professional development, the possibility of classroom distractions and/ or misuse by students, monitoring internet and protection of students (Grant, Brown, Sweeney, Ferguson (2015).


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