Commonly confused words Laura carr

Their- That is their book.

There- The book is over there.

They're- They're going to look for the book.

It's- It's a nice day out

Its- I'm sorry about its being to late.

Who's- Who's there?

Whose- Whose shoes are those?

Good- That was a good dinner!

Well- You did well for your first play.

Affect- Cold weather affected the amount of people going out.

Effect- Exposure to the sun had the effect of freckles forming on my arms.

Accept- You need to go to accept your scholarships.

Except- All my friends were invited except me.


Created with images by loumurphy - "Words..." • Kitti.Jakobovits - "characters,words..." • stevepb - "dictionary reference book learning" • tunasugraph - "vectors vector girl" • DaveBleasdale - "the" • avrene - "Peel"

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