Ernest Hemingway Mattie Taylor

Ernest Hemingway was born and raised in a Chicago suburb which is now known as Oak Park. Growing up, he spent a lot of time in the outdoors. Hemingway grew up to be a great sportsman and this characteristic is seen in many of his characters. (favouwrites)
In high school, Hemingway wrote for the school newspaper which was called Trapeze and Tabula. (PHOTOS)
After high school he started working for the Kansas City Star as a reporter. While working for the Star he developed his simple/truthful writing style. (Press, A)

¨While writing for the star you were forced to learn to write a simple declaritive sentence. This is useful to any one. Newspaper work will not harm a young writer if he gets out in time.¨ ~Ernest Hemingway

During WWI he was wounded as an American Red Cross ambulance driver, after he was healed he went to Paris as a correspondent for the Toronto Star. (This Day)
While in Paris, Hemingway wrote ¨In Our Time¨ (1925), ¨Men Without Women¨ (1927), ¨The Sun Also Rises¨ ( 1926), and ¨A Farewell to Arms¨ (1929) (Ernest Hemingway)
A Farewell to Arms was a study of an American ambulance officer´s disillusionment in the war and roll as deserter. The content from this book is mostly from Hemingway´s own experiences. (The Lost Generation)
He wrote his best novel in Cuba, ¨For Whom the Bell Tolls.¨ The novel was based off his reporting in the Spanish Civil War. (Book List)
Hemingway suffered from many mental and health issues, he committed suicide at the age of 62.

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