The colony of North Carolina created by Shaylee

this is the story of how North Carolina came to be.

North Carolina was created in 1584,and it began with an man named sir Walter Raleigh that was searching for a colony called Roanoke.

when sir Walter and his men arived there they asked the indians what the land was called and the indians peplyed with the word Wingandacon.

before the colonys came to be there were already about 30,000 indians were already liveing in the part of virginia that would later be north Carolina.

in 1629 Virginia was divided into two parts called virginia and carolina.

Virginia l Carolina

by 1690 8,000 colonists lived in Albemarle county.

in early 1700s colonists built two towns in albemarle county.

in 1712 Carolina was divided into north and south Carolina .

carolina leaders met in philadelphia in 1774 to decide what should be done .

well thank you for reading my page and i hope you study for all your tests t.y bye<3.


Created with images by Beeki - "bald eagles usa raptor" • bazzadarambler - "Exeter ... in the High Street - Sir Walter Raleigh." • Government & Heritage Library, State Library of NC - "North Carolina today, page 31 (1930s)" • gregleg - "stonewall2" • caligula1995 - "PA120832 Ardenwood 20131012" • larrywkoester - "Fort Niagara - buildings" • tom@hk - "Pirate Ship" • markusspiske - "globe africa europe"

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