The Divine: A Play For Sarah Bernhardt chanelle Hargreaves

As I entered the auditorium I felt very excited to see the play. I had never been inside of this auditorium before so I was interested in how it was set up. I honestly thought the theater was going to bigger than it was. As we walked into the theater we were seated to the right of the stage, I was worried it would affect my view of the play but as it began it I realized my view was not affected at all. When the lights dimmed I was unsure of how the play was going to start so I had mixed emotions.
I attended the play with my teammate CK. Going to the play with her enhanced my experience in the sense that we were both able to point out things maybe one of us didn't notice during the play and throughout the entire experience. The role of sharing experiences in the Good Life start with being able to enjoy things with friends. Being able to make fun memories contributes a lot my meaning of the Good Life.
One of the central issues addressed is Talbots story. He is holding a secret in, that if he comes clean with could cause controversy with his family and peers. He has been abused by the priest for five years. I would say I know a lot about abuse before seeing the play.The performance allowed me to think a lot deeper about some of my views and has shown me how much things have changed since the time the play was taken place. Luckily abuse is not something that has affected my own life but I do realize how many lives it is affecting.
The Divine: A play for Sarah Bernhardt provides us with many opportunities with coming clean. Throughout the play many characters came clean with things going on in their life. Seeing the characters come clean, it allows us to realize it is okay to come clean in our lives and there is no need to hide from anything.

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