Religion In The Middle Ages By Tina and Anya

PILGRIMAGES- Many people took journeys (pilgrimages) to holy shrines.These were called pilgrimages. People went on pilgrimages to fulfill a vow, to redeem themselves after committing a sin, to seek for a cure, to have a better chance of getting into heaven, or just to deepen his or her faith in religion. Before departing, the pilgrim usually received a blessing from the local bishop.

CONTROL: Christianity was considered supreme power in the Middle Ages; it was said to have controlled religion. Back then, the law of Europe was governed by the Church. It was a time where the power of a pope was so great he could officially exclude a king from participation in services and sacraments of the church.

THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: The Catholic Church was the only church in Europe in the Middle Ages. Bishops were often wealthy and came from noble families. As the population of Europe expanded in the twelfth century, the churches that had been built Roman style with round-arched roofs became too small.

FESTIVALS AND HOLY DAYS: Some of the holy days and festivals in the Middle Ages were in November, such as The Day of the Dead, also known as All Souls' Day. The different seasons and months of the year were celebrated with religious feasts and festivals. There was at least one festival every month to celebrate holy days. During Christmas, there were 12 days of leisure/holiday, and it was the longest holiday in the whole year.

CELEBRATIONS: The importance of celebrations was found in the story of the two kings, one who was cruel and made his people work all day, and the other who let his people celebrate all the time. Both kingdoms had their disadvantages, as people need to balance work and fun. Christmas and Easter were the most important festivals because they were very religious.


Festivals in Medieval Europe 2016, accessed 30 November 2016, <>.

A Summary of Western Architecture 2016, accessed 30 November 2016, <>.

Annenberg Learner n.d., accessed 29 November 2016, <>.

Pilgrimage in Medieval Europe n.d., accessed 29 November 2016, <>.

Religion in the Middle Ages n.d., accessed 29 November 2016, <>.

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