Marriage is Good Bam Cochran

Researchers found that marriage had positive outcomes on BMD, especially for married men, who exhibited better bone mineral density than men who were widowed, separated, divorced or never married. This was especially true for men who married after the age of 25.
Studies are finding that married couples experience lower levels of heart disease, cancers, flu, Alzheimer’s, depression and stress. And happily married individuals undergoing heart bypass surgery are three times more likely to stay alive 15 years later than their single peers.
In June 2012, a study by Michigan State University found that being married protects against age-related declines in happiness. Marriage has been found to have health benefits, too: earlier this year, a study by Duke University Medical Center revealed that people who were never married were more than twice as likely to die early as people in a long-term relationship.
Married men are wealthier men. Married men earn between 10%-40% more than single men. They also receive promotions more frequently and earn more glowing performance reviews than their single co-workers.
A US study found mental health improves consistently and substantially after marriage and deteriorates substantially after divorce or separation. In marriage, there is less depression and fewer mental health problems.


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