Pneumonia By: Nora Benson

Pneumonia is a lung infection that can cause mild to severe illness.

Pneumonia is usually caused by bacteria, fungi, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus, (RSV). Influenza and RSV are viruses, so they can not be treated by medication. They just have to take their own course in the body until they are completely out of your system.

Some common signs of pneumonia are coughing, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing, fever, chills and chest pains. Low alertness or confusion are some signs noticed in adults. Pneumonia usually only lasts from 2-3 days based on the medication you are prescribed.

Pneumonia can be treated by specific medications prescribed by doctors. The medication may vary based on age, your symptoms and how severe your illness is. Some people diagnosed with pneumonia may also be prescribed an inhaler. With an inhaler you breathe in your medicine and it helps you breathe easier.

Pneumonia can be prevented by washing your hands, cleaning surfaces that are frequently touched, limiting your contact with smoking, and coughing and sneezing into your elbow, sleeve, or tissue.

This is a photo of one lung with pneumonia and one normal lung. As you can see the lung with pneumonia has fluid, which can makes it difficult to breathe.

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