History of Modern France Section Three, Friday 1:00-1:50pm

The French Revolution: The Political Revolution

Discussion Leaders: Catherine, Michael & Sean

(1) “The great difficulty comes from that interest whereby a citizen agrees with only some others. This permits them to connive and conspire to devise schemes that are dangerous for the community interest; this kind of interest creates the most formidable enemies of the people.” Who represents the "community interest," according to Sieyés? By repeatedly referring to a “common order” or an equal “collectivity of citizens” or “men" (i.e. by using vague and nebulous terms), how is he undermining the very revolutionary ideals he presents in his pamphlet? Why did Marie Gouze feel the need to publish a “counter” Declaration of the Rights of Women? Can you point to similar places in Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen where language obscures specificity and/or inclusivity?

(2) What parallels can be drawn between the French Revolution and the current political climate?

More Resources . . .

La Marseillais: French National Anthem

Peasant Revolt and the Abolition of Feudalism: https://brown.kanopystreaming.com/video/peasant-revolt-and-abolition-feudalism

The Storming of the Bastille: https://brown.kanopystreaming.com/video/july-14th-storming-bastille

Terror is the Order of the Day: https://brown.kanopystreaming.com/video/terror-order-day

The Overthrow of Robespierre: https://brown.kanopystreaming.com/video/overthrow-robespierre

TA: Sherri Cummings | sherri_cummings@brown.edu | Office Hours - Friday 2-4 PM or by appointment

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