
Spikey U Learner's Induction

Spikey U are committed to all learners receiving an enhancing learning experience where you achieve your goals and aspirations. Therefore we value your induction process and this document sets out what you can expect from Spikey U while you are studying with us.

Information provided prior to enrolment

You can expect Spikey U to provide information on:

• equivalent, exemptions and RPL arrangements that may apply

• entry requirements and final qualifications

• fees and any other charges associated with your programme

• the facilities and support available for learners with a disability

Induction on enrolment/first day of learning

You can expect Spikey U to:

• outline the learner and centre’s expectations (code of conduct/learning agreement or service level agreement)

• provide a copy of and a level of understanding for vital centre policies and procedures such as the appeals, equality and diversity and complaints.

• confirm the unique identity of learners through the collection of photo identification

• provide accurate information about the teaching and learning timetable

• confirm the assessment arrangements for your entire course

• provide information on how your achievements and progress are recorded and communicated

• issue and introduce course resources

• provide information on reasonable adjustments and special considerations in line with all relevant requirements

• provide a schedule of assignments for each unit at the beginning of the course

• provide information on opportunities to discuss your programme and for one to one support

• confirm the health and safety requirements including all venue specific arrangements and considerations

• provide details of how the assignments/assessments are marked and the type of feedback learners will receive

• provide information about what is expected for each unit, the marking criteria, and what formal supervision there will be

• advise of any additional fees and when they might apply

• identify learners preferred learning styles

• discuss the administration and support services available

Spikey U undertakes to provide high-quality academic support and learning resources to learners. However, success in learning depends critically on the efforts made by learners as outlined in the learner contract.

What Spikey U expects from learners at induction:

• provide correct truthful and honest information to the best of their knowledge

• participate fully in the process

• inform Spikey U if there are any changes to their personal detailsork.