STOCK Stock is a flavored liquid preparation. It forms the basis of many dishes, particularly soups and sauces. Making stocks involves simmering animal bones or meat, seafood, or vegetables in water or wine, adding mirepoix or other aromatics for more flavor.

White Stock

soup stock made from veal or chicken without colored seasonings and often used in white sauce

Brown Stock

stock made from beef (as from beef seared to give color) or from a mixture of meats including beef. 2 : the unbleached fibers produced by cooking wood by the alkaline processes of papermaking.


a stock made by simmering fish, chicken, game, etc., in water, wine, or in both, often boiled down to concentrate the flavor and used as a flavoring.

Vegetable Stock

Remember, the greater the surface area, the more quickly vegetables will yield their flavor. Heat oil in a soup pot. Add onion, celery, carrots, scallions, garlic, parsley, thyme, and bay leaves. Cook over high heat for 5 to 10 minutes, stirring frequently.

Court Bouillon

Court-bouillon or court bouillon is a flavored liquid for poaching or quick-cooking foods. Traditional uses include poaching fish and seafood, but it is also used for poaching vegetables, eggs, sweetbreads, cockscombs, and delicate meats.


a highly reduced stock and remouillage. The result of continuous reduction.


a stock that is made from bones that have already been used once to make a stock. The stock is weaker that the first stock and is sometimes called "second stock". It is sometimes used for water in making another stock or is reduced to make a glace.

stocks and sauces play an important role in the culinary world. The ability to create delicious stocks will be your ticket to deep rich flavor. Knowing how to make stocks properly and correctly will set you apart in your skills from the thousands out there who do it incorrectly. There is a method to making stocks, and once you know how to do it you will see a new world open up to you in ways you’ve never thought of before.

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