Keep Calm & Be Mindful March: Keep Calm, Stress Less Month

"Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us."

Mindfulness Basics

  1. Set time aside and space.
  2. Observe and pay attention to the present moment, without judgments.
  3. Recognize when your mind wanders.


"Artfulness is the attention to the present moment by means of artistic practices and sensory experiences. This online curriculum houses four sessions meant to help adults focus less on the stress of yesterday and tomorrow and focus more on being in the now, with mindfulness teachings, guided meditations, breathing exercises, and twenty art activities to choose from. These are process-oriented art practices, free of judgment, with no artistic aptitude or experience needed."

Participate in one of our Mind/Body classes such as Yoga and Meditation or Mindful Yoga.

This Spark Page was created by a student at VCU in HPEX 495. Your feedback will be much appreciated and your information will not be shared.

Stay tuned for next Month's Topic: Care to be aware!

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