I Am

I am creative and complicated.

I wonder what I want to be.

I hear the laughter of my dreams.

I see my future in the distance.

I want to find myself.

I am creative and complicated.

I pretend to know who I am.

I feel defeated when I can't make the right choice.

I touch the clouds, only to fall out of their reach.

I worry about everyone but myself.

I cry when my faults are shown.

I am creative and complicated.

I understand I am not perfect.

I say that no one is.

I dream that one day I can be.

I try to make room for myself in this world.

I hope that one day I can.

I am creative and complicated.

Haiku:The Beach

yellow sun sparkles

waves splash in a burst of blue

the beach calls to me




Is anybody there?

All I hear is the dial tone.

All I am is scared.


Do you know who I am?

Do you know what's become of me?

All I want is to be saved.

All I need is to leave.


Why am I alone?

Why don't you ever answer?

Why don't you pick up the phone?


Can you help me?

I used to be full,

But now I am empty.


All I hear is a song

Called silence

For everyone is gone.



Stars twinkle in the darkness,

Glittering, gleaming, golden

They call out to me

Beautiful, bright tokens.

I leap out of my window,

Reaching out to touch the sky

Dancing, daring, dreaming

And it makes me feel

Like the stars will never be leaving.

But daytime comes,

And the sky is bare

But for a shining sun

The stars are no longer there

But I know that tonight,

The stars will come once more

So I may dance with them,

As I had the night before.

FORCED rhyme:



Filling fast

Runnin' out of time

Time's a-tickin'

Sand a-spillin'

Runnin' out of time


Goes the clock

Runnin' out of time

Gettin' dizzy

Goin' crazy

Runnin' out of time


Goes the clock

Runnin' out of time

I Had The Weirdest Dream...

i had the weirdest dream


it all started one night

and gave me quite a fright

it was set in black and white

a beautiful, classy sight

everyone was watching me

my heart was beating

a man appeared with a gun drawn

the seemingly innocent con

but i woke up before i could see

the plan this dream had for me


Broken Heart

there was a young lady whose heart

could just not seem to start

they tried to revive her

but she would not stir

so is the fate of a broken heart

free verse:


Teardrops drip like rain on a window,

Forming sorrow over a darkened land.

I cannot seem to comprehend

Why sadness has become a part of me,

Why I know it better than the back of my hand.

Silence can be the most peaceful thing,

But sometimes it's unbearable

And all I hear now is the




Of the tears hitting the unforgiving floor.

end rhyme:


Who do you think you are?

Your words are whispering torment

And leave a bleeding scar.

You smile sweetly at me,

And then leave me with your car.

You used to be so beautiful,

But now you're a fading star.

You said you'd never leave me,

But you're still hurting me from afar.

Blackout Poem

The End


Created with images by corinaselberg - "orkide flower pink" • tpsdave - "california sunset dusk" • skeeze - "globular cluster stars messier 92" • SplitShire - "tree silhouette mysterious" • Tabble - "rain weather drip"

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