Sherwood Showcase February Excitement

Sherwood Assistant Principal program is well under way! All fifth grade students get the opportunity to participate in our Student AP Program. Each student is assigned one half day (morning through end of lunch and beginning of lunch through end of school day) to support the school. Students are expected to help with minor behavior issues, work with students who need additional support, complete projects for staff members, complete duties (lunch, recess), write in-formal observations (only positive things) and help in whatever way needed. The biggest excitement is typically carrying a radio and receiving actual calls, wearing a badge that can scan them into the building from the playground, using the staff restrooms and having "coffee break" in the lounge.

Assemblies and Events that have occurred this year: Family Fitness Night, Native American Heritage Month we had the dancers and drummers from Nixyaawii Community School. Author Gary Hogg did an all school event with students, along with classroom presentations, where we learned we were all authors. We had the Portland Opera, and Violinist Hannah Leland, DMA, who did an assembly and then held a Master Class with our string players. In between those special happenings we had our Holiday Music program, Baked For Good with King Arthur Flour, had Red Ribbon Week and some grades attended field trips to the Symphony and Tamastlikt.


Reading - In the first picture we had 27% or 127 students identified as greater than 1 level below proficient, by the second diagnostic we had 19% in the category or 73 students, meaning 54 students grew enough academically to move into a higher Tier, Tier 2 we had 48% (223) move to 39% (182) or a change of 41 + students, Tier 1 we had on 24% (112) proficient to start the year and moved to 46% (217) by mid year. That is an improvement of 22% (105).

Mathematics - In the first picture we had 27% or 128 students identified as greater than 1 level below proficient, by the second diagnostic we had 12% in the category or 59 students, meaning 69 students grew enough academically to move into a higher Tier, Tier 2 we had 54% (251) move to 45% (214) or a change of 37 + students, Tier 1 we had on 19% (87) proficient to start the year and moved to 43% (202) by mid year. That is an improvement of 24% (115).

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