
Philosophy of Teaching Susan Scanlon

My philosophy of teaching has developed from my own learning experiences, what I have observed through teaching, and studied in my graduate coursework.

I believe that all people learn differently; therefore, teaching using a variety of experiences for different learning styles is paramount. Differentiated instruction keeps the interest high and the experiences fulfilling for each learner.

I believe that learners need to be met where they are at in order to challenge advanced learners, inspire reluctant learners, and encourage struggling learners. Engaged instruction is of the highest importance.

Engaged instruction can be accomplished through learner-centered teaching as described by Kaplowitz (2012, p.5). Collaboration, participation, and shared responsibility for learning among all participants are the three principles of learner-centered teaching I believe are necessary to engage all students. In addition, learners will develop the necessary skills for listening to others, respecting different opinions, asking questions to further investigate a topic, and remaining active in the learning process.

I believe in teaching my students to learn by experimenting because it allows people to make mistakes, apply critical thinking skills, problem solve, overcome obstacles, and create meaningful and lasting knowledge. Each experience adds to a person’s learning, even the poor choices or mistakes allow a person to grow and further their metacognition.

Lastly, I believe in a supportive learning environment. One that is warm, inviting, happy, and fun. Learners should feel wanted, appreciated, and valued. A supportive environment is symbiotic where we all continue to learn from one another.

I know my philosophy of teaching will continuously develop and change, and be reimagined through additional experiences, new environments, and challenges - never stop learning!


Kaplowitz, J. (2012). Transforming information literacy instruction using learner-centered teaching. New York: Neal-Schuman.


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