PS4 PLAY STATION 4 SHayla and Dakota

When PS4 was released it was cheaper from the new Xbox One console
Strengths - Including Games that Xbox One does not have, Mostly being third person games. Ps4 has 1,200 games to choose from and 100 of those are exclusives. When Xbox only has 876 Games with 30 exclusives. It has better graphics then the Xbox but lower when it comes to Media. PS4 has a more powerful GPU
PS4 being the smaller and more compact, but the ports are harder to get to.
Weakness - Xbox has a more Powerful CPU. Xbox also has a better selection of racing games.
Opportunities - PS4 has more quantity of games to choose from. Also releasing Virtual Realty game play (VR). Also having more features on the controller from the last Gen. PS4 offering backwards compatibility. PS4 controller has a touch pad.

Threats - PlayStation Network being hacked, causing people to move to another network like Microsoft. Xbox is selling at a cheaper price currently since released.

Presenters we would like to see would be people who own businesses and have knowledge on how we could do what they do.

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