Turks and Caicos

Turks an Caicos flag
The island consists of low, flat limestone with extensive marshes and swamps, ringed by sandy beaches. The island has a very warm climate. The average temperature from June to October is 87°, and from November to may the average temperature is 82°.
The island has extremely fertile soil. It's a great place to grow beans, corn, and a variety of fruits.
Popular foods include: cornbread for an appetizer, fried cod for an entree, and frozen yogurt for dessert.
The restaurant experience in Turks and Caicos is just like in the U.S., since it's a major tourist destination. There aren't any unusual food customs that are different than in the U.S.
Two major holidays in Turks and Caicos are National Heroes Day (May 29) and Easter Monday (April 17)
A tourist destination is Grand Turk Island, where you can go snorkeling, lay on the beach, go horseback riding, and much more.


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