Maryland Sami boles

Maryland was founded on April 25, 1788 by Lord Baltimore. Maryland tobacco farmers produced wheat, fruit, vegetables and live stock to feed their families. People traded and exported tobacco, cotton, rice, indigo (dye), lumber, furs, and farm products. This was the main economy during the early days in Maryland.

Lord George Calvert, 1st Baron of Baltimore was an English politician. He was a member of the Roman Catholic Church. George Calvert was the first to dream of a colony where Catholics and protestants worked together and prospered.

All Christians regardless of their denomination were allowed to freely worship in Maryland. Maryland was mainly settled by Puritan and Catholic followers. Precautions were made to prevent problems between the Puritans, who were the majority, and the minority Catholics.

The weather in Maryland in the 1600's was much colder then it is now. Maryland was warmer than in England. Winters were harsh and summers were mild.


Created with images by rockcreek - "Defending Chain Bridge, 1861" • pedrosimoes7 - "Sir Anthony Van Dick (1599 - 1641)" • Boston Public Library - "Old Durham Church, Ironsides, Charles County, Maryland, near Washington, D. C." • NOAA Photo Library - "wea04198"

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