
Angels in America Textual Analysis

Social & Historical Context

Written in 1993 by Tony Kushner

Won a Tony Award for Best Play (1993)

Tony Kushner awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Best Drama (1993)

When it was written, Angels In America caused controversy due to its subject matter. John Clum, historian of Gay Theatre, called the play:

'The most talked about, written about, and awarded, play of the past decade or more'...'A turning point in the history of gay drama, the history of American drama, and of American literary culture' and nothing less that 'a turning point for the inevitable, eternal, if turbulent relationship of gayness and theater, the climax of this chapter of it's history'

Several productions of Angels in America have sparked serious controversy across America. One example of this was at the Charlotte Repertory Theatre in 1996 when it sparked protests led by Reverend Joseph Chambers who opposed the performances because of his anti-pornography belief and because he felt the play was blasphemous. He was particularly offended by the simulated sex scenes and Prior's nudity, however brief.

America in 1993

When the play was written, America had not long entered a 'new era' after a long harsh period following WW2.

The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 was a symbolic end to the Cold War with the Soviet Union disappearing practically overnight.

The Reagan Era was replaced with the inauguration of Bill Clinton who promised a 'New America' in 1993.

Tony Kushner say that the previous Reagan era was essentially greedy and without compassion, understanding or equality for minorities or the poor.

Context of the world of the play

The play takes place over a couple of months during the Autumn & Winter at the end of 1985 into 1986. It's immediate context is the Reagan administration and the early years of the AIDS epidemic. Other contemporary parallels include the historical characters of Roy Cohn & Ethel Rosenburg as well as McCarthyism and the Red Scare.

As well as contemporary events, it also references historical events such as the medieval plague, the Mayflower, the founding of America, early Jewish immigration to the US, and the Mormon migration West.

Reagan's America

Reagan was elected under the slogan 'Morning in America' invoking an feeling of idealism and America being shiny and new again.

Reagan's administration cut taxes with the idea that if people earned a little more money they would spend more and therefore boost the economy. Rather than helping the poor, this in fact only served to make the rich even richer and poverty levels did not drop.

During the 60s & 70s, there was an increased liberation of minorities. The gay community has especially experiences personal and sexual liberation following the Stonewall riots in NYC in 1969 which led to sexual freedom and sexuality being more visible.

Reagan campaigned against this liberation by emphasising the issues of morality, religion and family values.

His eagerness to push the idea of a traditional, nuclear, wholesome, American family is considered to be the detrimental factor in his reaction to the AIDS crisis.

How is Reagan's America shown in Angels In America: Millenium Approaches?

When Louis & Joe meet in the bathroom of the courthouse, Louis refers to Joe's conflicting sexuality and political stance - "Well! Oh boy! A gay Republican!" Louis refers to the other lawyers as "Reaganite, heartless, macho lawyers" because they ignored Louis and seemed to run away from him when they saw him emotional in the toilets.

After Roy offers Joe a job in Washington, Joe needs to convince Harper to move with him. Joe knows that there is something wrong with his marriage and although he does not realise it yet, he is not comfortable with his sexuality and is hiding his true feelings. He throws himself into Reagan's ideology to help guide him in being a 'good' mormon husband. He says, "I think things are starting to change in the world.... change for the good.... Thats what President Reagan's done, Harper. He says "Truth exists and can be spoken proudly". And the country responds to him. We become better. More good. I need to be part of that, I need something big to lift me up"

Martin, Roy & Joe talking in a restaurant about politics in Washington, trying to persuade Joe that it is the right move for him - Martin proudly says "It's a revolution in Washington, Joe. We have a new agenda and finally a real leader...... It's really the end of Liberalism"

AIDS Crisis

Although we now know that there were likely cases of people dying from AIDS previously, it did not become a known disease until 1980's. Spurred on by the liberation of sexuality, AIDS was spreading silently through the gay community. Homosexual men were predominantly targeted by the disease as it is more easily spread through anal sex as oppose to vaginal sex.

In 1982, Larry Speakes, the Press Secretary for Reagan actually laughed when the press asked him if the President was aware of and tracking the spread of the disease. When the journalist commented 'It's known as the Gay Plague' a few people in the room laughed and Speakes responded with 'Well I don't have it, do you?!'

Ronald Reagan did not publicly recognise and use the word AIDS until 1985. It is reported that more people died of AIDS in 1985 than all of the previous years' statistics put together. Also in 1985, the famous Hollywood star Rock Hudson was 'outed' as a homosexual and died from AIDS

In 1987, AZT became the first drug approved to treat AIDS however it only slowed the progression and did not cure the disease. It was also extremely expensive to get and the dose prescribed, 1 pill every 4 hours day & night, is now known to actually be a toxic overdose.

A government report from August 2016 found that between the start of the AIDS epidemic and today, nearly 700,000 people have died of AIDS in the U.S.

How is the AIDS crisis shown in Angels In America: Millenium Approaches?

Through Prior's illness. When he first tells Louis about his diagnosis he flippantly announces "K.S. baby. Lesion number one. Lookit. The wine-dark kiss of the angel of death."

As Prior's illness worsens, he defecates himself as he has lost all control of his bowels. When Louis sees that it is full of blood, Prior panics and tells him that he shouldn't touch it or him. During this scene, Prior has shown that he is scared of going to the hospital as he is aware that he is unlikely to make it out of hospital again.

Roy Cohn is diagnosed with HIV and has K.S legions. Roy points out that "It afflicts mostly homosexuals and drug addicts .... What are you implying Henry?" Roy has built his whole life and career on his principles that homosexuality is wrong and has led witch-hunts across America against homosexuals. So Roy is determined to keep his diagnosis secret and not be outed as a gay man. He tells his doctor, "Roy Cohn is not a homosexual. Roy Cohn is a heterosexual man, Henry, who fucks around with guys." "Aids is what homosexuals have. I have liver cancer"

Roy Cohn

Lived 1927 - 1986. American Lawyer

Came to prominence assisting in Senator McCarthy's hunt of suspected communists. Along with communists, Cohn was also responsible for hunting homosexuals and having them removed from any roles within the American government. Cohn and McCarthy even went as far as to threaten opponents with accusations of being a homosexual in order to frighten them into silence.

Roy was prosecutor at the trial of Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, accused of espionage against the USA. Whilst it is greatly believed that both were in fact guilty, they did not receive a fair trial as Cohn influenced who was assigned the case and said himself that they were sentenced to death on his recommendation. His actions during the case broke the law and the Rosenberg's are now considered to have been unlawfully executed.

In 1986, Cohn was disbarred for unethical and unprofessional conduct, including misappropriation of clients' funds, lying on a bar application, and pressuring a client to amend his will.

Rumours of Roy Cohns's sexuality did follow him throughout his life however the speculation did not intensify until after his death from AIDS in 1986.

How is the political figure of Roy Cohn represented in Angels In America: Millenium Approaches?

The character of Roy Cohn is highly representative of the real-life political figure however the conversations and elements to his charcter have been dramatised.

When talking to his doctor he brags about the power he holds and threatens his doctor - "Say Roy Cohn you are a homosexual. And I will proceed, systematically, to destroy your reputation and your practice and your career in New York State, Henry. Which you know I can do"

During this scene he also brags about the political power he has - "I have clout. A lot. I can pick up this phone, punch fifteen numbers, and you know who will be on the other end in under five minutes, Henry?" Henry: "The President" Roy Cohn: "Even better, Henry, His wife!"

In the scene with Martin, Roy & Joe in the restaurant, Roy gives Joe a letter to read. "A letter fromt he New York State Bar Association, Martin. They're gonna try and disbar me." When asked why, Roy does not believe that what he has done is truly wrong. He tried to explain to Joe the reason - "The whole establishment. Their little rules. Because I know no rules. Because I don't see the Law as a dead and arbitrary collection of antiquated disctums, thou shall, thou shalt not, because, because I know the Law's a pliable, breathing, sweating.... organ, because, because..." Martin: "because he borrowed half a million from one of his clients" Roy: "Yeah, well, there's that." Martin: "And he forgot to return it."

When Roy's illness becomes unbearable and affects his mind, he hallucinates Ethel Rosenberg. He has just confessed to Joe that he tampered with Ethel's trial and conspired to have her sentenced to death. Ethel's appearance may be a sign of his guilt or perhaps he feels it would be fitting that he sent her to her death so she would see him through to his death. He shouts at her ghost "BETTER DEAD THAN RED!...From the throne of God in heaven to the belly of hell, you can all fuck yourselves and then go jump in the lake because I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU OR DEATH OR HELL OR ANYTHING!"