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You would have a blast at the Dead Sea! Don't let the fact that there's no fish there stop you from visiting. Come visit and take a relaxing weekend floating in the Dead Sea.
The taklamkan desert is 270,000 km2 despite being the warmest and driest desert In China it will still be a fun time.
The Gobi desert is a beautiful place to go and hang out in the sand or if you a rock climber you can climb some rocks the Gobi desert is the largest desert in the region of Asia and it covers parts of northern and northwestern China
The yellow river is really cool and as you see in the photo you can see people river rapting the length of the river is 5,464 take a boat and have fun boating down it.
The Chang Jiang river is a nice wide river that has pink dolphins and really cool good for the kids and good for you parents that like the jungle.

Aleksandr-Pavlovich-Muranov 2/7/2012 Yangtze River

Kenneth-Pletche 2/16/2017 Dead Sea

Brook Larmer may 2008 the Yelllow River

Mikhail-Platonovich-Petrov 10/6/2009 Gobi desert

Jenny. "Taklamakan Desert Facts & Information - Beautiful World Travel Guide." Facts & Information - Beautiful World Travel Guide. N.p., 05 Dec. 2016. Web. 17 Mar. 2017.


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