My dioramarepresents game six in the 1998 NBA finals when Michael Jordan shot the game winning shot. The scene has Michael Jordan and Bryon Russel. The shot occurred June 14 1998 during the NBA finals in the vivit smart home arena in Utah. Michael Jordan's shot was a 17 foot jumper. Too make the score 87-86. And win Jordan's sixth championship title.

I chose to make this diorama of Michael Jordan's shot because it was a great time in Michael Jordan's life. And this was the series where Jordan was sick. In game five he had stomach flu he could not keep any food down he got up at 3:00 a.m and did not go back to sleep. But in game six he was still able to come out and get 45 points including the game winner. I chose this scene because he showed a lot of grit and determination.

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