Dreams Final project

I'm going to be talking out of mice and men, Scarlit ibis and my own video I found with big her 6 of dreams but in all these store the other person dyes sadly.

Of mice and men

"O.K. Someday—we're gonna get the jack together and we're gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an' a cow and some pigs and—""An' live off the fatta the lan'," Lennie shouted. "An' have rabbits. Go on, George! Tell about what we're gonna have in the garden and about the rabbits in the cages and about the rain in the winter and the stove, and how thick the cream is on the milk like you can hardly cut it. Tell about that George."Why'n't you do it yourself? You know all of it." "No…you tell it. It ain't the same if I tell it. Go on…George. How I get to tend the rabbits." (1.119-123)

Like I said in the processodcast of how George and lennie had to dream to get this house but lennie is so dumb and big that when he does things he doesn't meant to do it but it turn into a big deal. But this problem of accidentally snapped her necklace when she tried to get her to be quiet. And this time George couldn't get him out of it and had a good nice job so he told him the story like it says in the video above, and killed him sadly.

Scarlit ibis

"The narrator happens to be athletic and actively enjoys the area around his rural home, which isn't far from the ocean. He wishes he had a brother to share it with. Mama tells him Doodle will never be able to run and play like he does. She tearfully suggests that Doodle might not have high brain function either. Ashamed of having a brother like that, the narrator decides to kill the baby by "smothering him with a pillow" (1.5). When Doodle smiles at him he realizes Doodle is smart, and abandons the plan."

As in the story after his brother taught him that was impossible was. To walk and everything. He had a magnetic touch with the ibis bird after the bird was dying when the went to river bottom he hid under the cave pipe and his brother came back looking for him to him hidden up under the cave pipe. His brother said,"Brother, Brother, don't leave me!" Sadly! And the reason I chose this quote with dream of mice and men is because how lennie was dumb and the little brother had the little legs all little bone but both died in the end.

Big hero 6

Made 2 Videos to get you a better understanding of the point I'm try to get at. So let's get to the point. His brother has a nerd lab with his friends and whants his little brother to join. But it was up to him to come up with and idea of how to get in and he made this mind blowing idea that what ever you think it does. But after everything there was a fire and tadisha went to go save people. But the building ends up blowing up . And there dream was to work together

All these videos and quotes they alll go everywhere together but in the stores one of them end up dying and that dream would be nothing without the other person

How this impacts me is that if I ever have a dream like this with a friend or family or pet Is that I would accomplish this dream before anything else happen and if anything is wrong with us that we would get better have life our dream happily ever after hope you like my presentation if you have any questions I would love to answer them.


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