Rhetorical Devices 4 By: Pyper Moore & Anneka Lewis

Oxymoron: a two worded paradox. Example: Open secret.
Paradox: a somewhat truthful contradicting statement. Example: You can save money by spending it.
Parallelism: similar structure with words and phrases. Example: Easy come, easy go.
Polysyndeton: use of a lot of conjunctions. Example: During softball I have to throw the ball, and hit, and catch.
Pun: word play. Example: "What’s the worst part about throwing a party in space? You have to planet."
Synecdoche(si-NEK-də-kee): A part of something to refer to a whole. Example: The word "wheels" refers to a whole car.
Juxtaposition (jəkstəpəˈziSH(ə)n): Placing two or more ideas, places, characters, and their actions side by side to compare or contrast. Example: Beauty and ugliness.
Jargon: Use of specific phrases or words associated with a particular situation, profession, or trade. Example: The final card dealt in a poker hand.
Malapropism(maləˌpräp): Use of an incorrect word in place of a similar sounding word that expresses comedy. Example: He was a man of great statue
Irony: Words that are used in a way that their intended meaning is different than the actual meanings of words. Example: Katherine laughed at Alexis who slipped on a banana, but then Katherine slipped too.


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