Who are the Franks

Clovis took his wife christian necklace and prayed for them to win the battle

Clovis converts to Christianity in 503 CE

Peppin the Short Pepin took power with the support of the Frankish nobles

In 754 A.D pepin the short successfully removed the Lombards From Rome and gave and gave their lands to the pope

As he was emperor he worked with leaders to strengthen and protect the empire

Charlemagne was a tall friendly leader and also he was a skillful politician


Created with images by Sharon Mollerus - "Clovis or Clothar, doorway at the Cloisters, France, ca. 1250" • frozenchipmunk - "Pepin the Short" • CircaSassy - "A brief history of mediæval and modern peoples (1899)" • CircaSassy - "A school history of Germany: from the earliest period to the establishment of the German empire in 1871 (1874)" • ark - "untitled image" • Luc Van Braekel - "Charlemagne" • CircaSassy - "A school history of Germany: from the earliest period to the establishment of the German empire in 1871 (1874)" • CircaSassy - "A brief history of mediæval and modern peoples (1899)"

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