When a person has the right attitude toward adversity, they can over come anything THE gLASS cASTLE by Jeannette Walls

Jeannette cooks for herself unsupervised and catches fire
Jeannette's father's alcoholism
Jeannette's parents did not provide enough food for her and her siblings.

Jeannette faced several instances of abuse. Uncle Stanley, Billy Deal, her Dad's pool playing friend.

Like the Joshua Tree in the desert that her mother pained. Jeannette staying strong despite her adversities and they in fact made her stronger and more beautiful.


Created with images by Meditations - "afire alight ashes" • naotakem - "Cooking Pasta" • Smabs Sputzer - "Belgian Beer Bottles" • Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) - "Success Stories - Omar" • ©Moon Photography by Mel - "Model Morgan (Creative shoot)Teenage Drug Abuse Project..." • nicocrisafulli - "Joshua Tree dusk"

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