Emily Fraley Digital Photography, Period 4

Portfolio Cover: The language of a photographer is understood by the whole world
A Drop of Pink in a Sea of Metallic: In this photo I wanted to use my clarinet as a subject because I've been playing for six years now. I found some pink flowers to use as a focal point to add some color, and then I got down close to my clarinet for a nice point of view and shot down it's side.
Fire Living in the Veins of a Leaf: This photo was clearly captured during fall, it was taken on the side of the road at the entrance of my neighborhood under a large tree. I loved how the water on the leaf made it shimmer and the color of the leaf, so I focused on the veins in order to lead the viewer's eyes to the back of the leaf and took the picture.
Eyes made from Amber: This photo is taken of my dog Ella. I've always loved how her eyes look, and when I had my camera out she happened to be still for once while looking at something outside. I remembered to use to the element of look room while I took the picture.
A Soul that Melts through the Eyes: This is a picture of my sister while we were out in the snow a few weeks ago. I was taking pictures of her for a portrait assignment, and I was trying my best to fill the frame with her face to get the element of simplicity in the photo. I captured this photo because I liked how much emotion was coming through her eyes, and I thought the colors from her face were in beautiful contrast with the the white snow in the background.
Frozen in Place: This photo was taken in the same outing as the last picture. I loved how the ice looked like it was trailing down the sign post, and the red letters on the sign added nice contrast. I leaned on the post while taking the photo, and angled the camera so the ice would be near the left side of the photo to follow the rule of thirds.

Artist Statement: Photography is a kind of art I love because of the beautiful way a specific moment or a precious second can be captured, and saved forever. For me, I think one of the best things about photography is when I'm able to see people's reactions to my photos, along with the feeling of accomplishment when all the elements needed come together in a perfect picture. I like when my photos can remind the viewer of the memories they have tied to it, or when they can display a story that a viewer won't quickly forget. A lot of my photos are of simple subjects that I am passionate about, and this helps me to strive to get a perfect shot of each of the focal points in my pictures. Part of the reason for my love of photography comes from my believe that because every photographer is a different person and has a different life; every photo taken throughout the world is unique. It is a way to document the events of the world. This inspires me to look at earth's incredible beauty with my personality, and take photos that show the particular kind of style that I present with my photography. Every moment captured through the lens of a camera is speaking through or about a different kind of experience, and that is simply incredible.

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