My Life Johnstown, Pa

My name is Mattheau Lee Sharp. I am a fifteen year old amateur photojournalist, and a sophomore at Greater Johnstown High School in Johnstown, PA. I have not been involved in photography for very long-in fact, only a few short months, but in that time, I have realized that photography is very important to me. Everything is different when viewed through the lens of my camera. And when I take a picture, it gives me an opportunity to tell a story that may have never been told. Sometimes in life, I’ve realized that you can only see the truth of a moment when you look back on it at a later time.

Cameras of Choice: I use several different cameras for my photography, including my teacher’s Nikon D3300 Digital SLR camera, and a Nikon film SLR camera I borrowed from another teacher at my school. Personally, I own a Nikon Coolpix B500, which, while it is not a DSLR camera, which I prefer, it does its job very well, and has always worked for me.

Across the street from Greater Johnstown High School is Cambria Rowe Business College.
The View from my bedroom window.
Snowy Days
Jackie's Laundry and Discount Tobbacco
Took this picture through a colored window in my math classroom.
Outside the high school on a cloudy day
A barn near Uniontown, PA.


All photos in here belong to me, and I maintain all of my copyrights to the photos.

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