WWI By David gray

The British Mark I was one of the first tanks to be invented and used in war. Tanks are armored "all terrain" vehicles.

The tank had an interesting role in World War One. The tank was first used at the Battle of Flers. Then it was used with little to no success at the Battle of the Somme. Though the tank was highly unreliable (cause it was so new) it did a good job to end trench warfare and brought back some mobility to the Western Front.

Tanks have influenced the way people fought after WWI such as the Battle of Kursk.

Where 3,000 German tanks against more than double that number of Soviet heavy armour tanks. The German tanks were much better than the Soviets.

The U.S. had almost no tanks when we joined the Allies in WWI 1917. The tank was then a new weapon that had only occasionally been used in battle. When the U.S. Army decided to form a Tank Corps in late 1917, (Captain at the time) George S. Patton volunteered to help create this new fighting force.


Created with images by Tempesto - "Type 95 Ha-Go Light Tank" • Jim Linwood - "Churchill Mark V Tank, Bovington Tank Museum - Dorset." • J P Davidson - "Hue, Right Tank Tracks" • tpsdave - "tank centurion mk5 historic" • 7th Army Training Command - "M1A2 tank gunnery at Grafenwoehr during Combined Resolve II"

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