How to make a turtle cheesecake terranesha brown

materials: a cheesecake pan,spoon,spatuala,bowls,pots,blender

ingrediants: flour,brown sugar,butter,chopped pecans,cream cheese,sugar,heavy whipping cream,vanilla extract,eggs,chocolate chips,caramel,and biscuits

the first thing you need to do is smash the biscuits up into crumbs for the crust and melt the butter then and it to the crumbs and mix it and put it in a pan.

next step is to put all the ingredients in a blender and mix it all up so you can put it in the pan with the crust

next you put the melted chocolate and caramel on it and put it in the fridge

then you take it out the fridge put whipped cream on it and put the turtle candies on it

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