Shipment & Delivery Updates

Shipment Information: Store shipment schedule - All stores will continue to receive shipments at their peak frequency unless you have been informed directly of any change by store operations or your DM. Please provide any feedback to

Shipment visibility – We are aware of the ongoing discrepancies with shipment visibilities estimated delivery dates and are working with Mast to resolve. We will provide further updates in next week’s Game Plan. Hellmann collections - Return requests must be raised by 9pm the prior to the collection date. Collections can be made with all shipments.

Delivery Disruption – 29th - 31st January: Due to flight disruption caused by Chinese New Year stores will not receive their regular shipment on Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st January. VSUKFieldComms will provide further updates early next week once we are able to confirm when this product should be expected. See below

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