For Our Volunteers from Ms. Linda & Justin

Sometimes show days can feel dramatic...SOOO dramatic...

...but you arrived prepared and in style...

...put your best face forward,

and helped others do the same.

With your help, we rehearsed 29 numbers in 3.5 hours.

We sat nearly 1,000 people in a 144 seat house over 3 days...

...and you made it look like it was no big deal.

(Thank you for being a model for all our young people of adults who step up and HANDLE their tasks.)

Without you, we could NOT have put on a show with 70 kids PER PERFORMANCE....8 times!!!

And you did it with a smile.

You helped the dancers shine like diamonds... backstage...

...and feel they got the red carpet treatment.

Without your help, we could have felt like this all weekend...

...but you made us look good.

So, 2016 Stage Show Volunteers...this wave's for YOU!

We appreciate you.

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