
IDB Lab in Guyana

Our IDB Lab mandate

IDB Lab serves as the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Group innovation laboratory to promote development through the private sector by identifying, supporting, testing and piloting new solutions to development challenges and seeking to create opportunities for the poor and vulnerable populations in Latin America and the Caribbean.

IDB Lab in Guyana


27 operations approved in total*

US$8.8 million approved by IDB Lab**

*The numbers do not include regional projects nor operations with core mobilization funding.

**Current approved amount (net of cancellations), not including resources mobilization.

Active portfolio

(June 2020)

5 operations*

US$1.8 million currently approved**

*Numbers includes operations of core mobilization.

Some IDB Lab projects in Guyana

Thank you for your support


Created with an image by madmack66 - "Georgetown Court house"